Team Based Trauma Life Support (TTLS) course


This is a new multiprofessional e-learning and simulation based course which aims to develop the trauma team members understanding of:

  • The principles of initial assessment and management of the trauma patient
  • Trauma team roles specific to each institution
  • The impact of non technical human and behavioural factors on patient safety and outcomes
  • How each team members' hospital relates to the trauma system and trauma network hospitals

The course was run via the South East London Kent and Medway trauma network. The course is currently being revised.

Trauma Team Members course (TTM)

This is a multidisciplinary training day for medical staff, nurses, ODP/ODA’s and radiographers. The intention is to form a realistic trauma team on the day with you playing your role as you would in clinical practice. Click here to be redirected to a slide presentation about the course.

For the NW network contact:; or

For the SW network contact:

For the NE network contact:

For the SE network contact:; East Kent Hospitals

Trauma Team Leaders course (TTL)

This course is primarily aimed at doctors involved in trauma management who may be required to be Trauma Team Leader. This will be institution specific and may involve those working in the ED, anaesthetics, surgery or critical care. The TTL course aims to develop the individual knowledge & skills which may have been gained from a trauma provider course (such as ATLS or TTM) into those required to be able to perform as an effective trauma team leader.

For the NW network contact:; or

For the NE network contact:


Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS)

Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) is a multidisciplinary course enabling a standardised language of trauma care across the specialties. The aim of The ATLS is to teach a simple systematic approach to the management of trauma patients through interactive tutorials, skills teaching and simulated patient management scenarios. Attendance at the course also exposes the candidate to a network of motivated colleagues with an enthusiasm for trauma management. The ATLS course was developed by the American College of Surgeons and has now been adopted in over 60 countries worldwide.

The Royal College of Surgeons provides information about the program, including a list of course providers and locations across the UK.

Many of the hospitals within the London Trauma System host ATLS. A list of courses being run at hospitals across London can be found here.

European Trauma Course (ETC)

The European Trauma Course (ETC) is an innovative 2.5 days Life Support Course for doctors and non-medical health care professionals that are involved in the acute care of major trauma patients. ETC provides state-of-the-art trauma training with a strong focus on team work and non-technical skills. It is the only internationally accredited trauma course that trains doctors and non-medical health care professionals side by side in multi-specialty teams.

The ETC is a hands on course and candidates spend 85 % of their time working practically in scenario based workshops. Candidates are trained in small groups resembling trauma teams working in a shock room environment.

The ETC is a joint programme of the European Resuscitation Council, the European Society for Trauma and Emergency Surgery, the European Society for Emergency Medicine and the European Society of Anaesthesiology.  It runs twice a year at St George's Hospital.

More information about the course can be found here.


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