C4TS is a world-leading Centre of excellence for translational research at Barts and the London School of Medicine & Dentistry (SMD), Queen Mary University of London.
The centre focuses on the immediate post-injury phase, with research into the pathophysiology of injury and a pathway to ensure the translation of research into practice and into policy. Our primary clinical partner is the Royal London Hospital Major Trauma Centre.
World class research is coupled with international education and dissemination programmes to improve care and outcomes of trauma patients worldwide. For more information on joining the MSc in Trauma Sciences, Click Here
Traumatic injury is caused by various forces from outside of the body, which can either be blunt or penetrating (sharp). Blunt trauma includes falls, road traffic crashes; crush injuries, assaults (punches, kicks) and burns. Penetrating trauma involves shooting, stabbing or falling onto a sharp object (known as impalement).
Traumatic injury is the leading cause of death for people aged under 44 in the UK
Up to 17,000 people in the UK die from traumatic injury every year
For every trauma fatality, between three and four patients survive with a serious or permanent disability
Many people that experience a physical trauma also experience psychological and emotional difficulties which can sometimes be long lasting.
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