Outreach and Education in the Community
Our aim is to raise awareness of what trauma is and to introduce people to trauma research while exciting the next generation of scientists and healthcare professionals.
Our group has developed and delivered various educational resources and workshops for schools, community talks, and science fairs. The activities and educational materials have been developed alongside people working in the teaching profession to ensure activities are relevant to various national science curriculum syllabi.
See below for new animations on conducting Research in Trauma!
Since 2018, the team has exhibited at several events including the Big Bang Eastbourne, the Big Bang East London and taken part in the QMUL Festival of Communities. Below are some of the activities we run:
Immunology Zone
The aim of this group of activities is to demonstrate the involvement of the immune system in the body’s response to trauma. We aim to show the crucial role it plays in protecting the body, whilst also introducing the concept that changes in immune cell function following trauma may also harm the body, potentially leading to multiple organ dysfunction. We also show how blood samples taken from patients in our clinical trials are crucial for helping us understand this.
Blood sample testing
We have developed several activities and interactive props to allow audiences to get hands on with patient ‘samples’. This allows us participants to look at some of the ways we process and analyse patient samples, and explain why the information they give us are vital for improving the way doctors treat patients.
Touch screen computer app
Our touch screen computers have a newly developed, custom body map application. This allows users to explore changes that occur in the body’s organs following traumatic injury. The application has a focus on the role of the immune system in tissue damage to show how immune cell changes may lead to organ dysfunction. It incorporates cartoons, videos and quizzes.
Design a blood cell
We also have several interactive games and art based activities to engage younger audiences with several aspects of Trauma science too. Our ‘Design a Blood Cell’ activity introduces children to immune cells. It helps children engage with the different ways immune cells protect the body and why it can be harmful if these cells stop working properly. Our adapted game of ‘Guess Who?’ introduces various cells and organs of the body and the important role they play.
Together these activities aim to introduce children to trauma, show how immune cells are crucial in protecting the body, and how loss of immune cell control can lead to organ damage.
Bleeding Zone
These activities focus on the science of bleeding and look at how Trauma Teams in the hospital handle bleeding patients.
‘Clot’ Plunk
We developed this fun, educational game in 2011 for the Summer Science Exhibition at the Royal Society. Clot Plunk introduces audiences to how a blood clot is formed and allows them to build their own clot. Our team then describe how changes in some bleeding trauma patients can destabilise the clot. We also explain how our research is trying to understand these processes and how our clinical trials test new ways of strengthening the blood clot to more quickly stop bleeding.
Surgical Simulator
Our interactive surgical model is used to simulate a bleeding trauma patient. Participants locate and clip bleeding blood vessels to stop the bleeding and “save” the patient. Participants are assigned roles (i.e. surgeon, assistant surgeons and anaesthetists) and work as a team to locate and stop bleeding as quickly as possible.
Public Outreach Resources for Children
Explaining Trauma to Children: Billy and His Blood Cells
Public engagement is a crucial aspect of trauma prevention and raising awareness and public understanding of trauma and trauma research.
TSCIPP is a programme for medical students aimed at providing clinical and research experience by some of the best trauma staff in the country. Involvement in Public Engagement is a key part of the programme, and gives students a unique insight into the field of trauma beyond the clinical environment.Students are able to utilise and develop key skills in communication with the public, creativity and the production of educational materials.
This piece aims to highlight trauma injury and treatment, in addition to increasing public understanding of trauma and research. Through this piece, we hoped to introduce children to trauma and the vital role played by C4TS researchers in improving trauma care.
Click Here to view the Resource in Action!
Click Here to download the Billy and His Blood Cells Resource
Public Outreach Resources for the Community
How to manage a life threatening bleed
In this educational video, our TSCIPP medical students, Karl Martin and Laura Vivian explain what to do if someone is bleeding severely.
Life threatening bleed from Trauma Sciences on Vimeo.
Conducting Trauma Research: Animations
Below are a few short animations for clinicians and researchers looking to understand some of the bigger issues in Trauma Research
Planning preclinical animal studies in trauma research
Planning preclinical animal studies in trauma research can be daunting and offers several challenges. There are plenty of rules and regulations to follow. In this video, we present how to plan preclinical animal studies in trauma research. The 3R’s and the 5 Step processes, presented here, can be used to ensure that your research meets the highest and most stringent of standards for good science and animal welfare.
Planning preclinical animal studies in trauma research by C4TS from Trauma Sciences on Vimeo.
Gaining informed consent in trauma research
Gaining informed consent in emergency trauma situations presents some unique challenges but is essential for good medical practice. In this video, we present how to gain informed consent in emergency trauma research studies. By following the five key principles of informed consent, you can ensure your research is conducted appropriately; in a way that is both ethical and legal.
Gaining informed consent in trauma research by C4TS from Trauma Sciences on Vimeo.
How to establish a biobank to store biospecimens when conducting trauma research
In this video, we present how to establish a biobank to store biospecimens when conducting trauma research. We also highlight the important steps involved in the collection of trauma research samples.
How to establish a biobank to store biospecimens when conducting trauma research by C4TS from Trauma Sciences on Vimeo.
How to create and maintain a database for a research study
In this video, we present how to create and maintain a database for a research study. We also highlight the key steps involved in creating a database.
How to create and maintain a database for a research study by C4TS from Trauma Sciences on Vimeo.
Science Fairs
The C4TS team present these educational workshops at a variety of different sciences fairs. Previous exhibits have included The Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition, Big Bang Fairs in London, Birmingham, and South East, Sevenoaks School Science week, as well as local events such as QMUL Festival of Communities and Barts Health Open Days.
Educational talks
The C4TS team deliver scientific talks to various audiences, from interested lay audiences to future and current university students, on topics ranging from careers in healthcare to the molecular basis of blood clot formation.
Please contact us if you'd like us to visit your school or organise an educational event!
Leaflets to Download
Trauma and Immune Cells (for children)
Teacher's Pack - all contents - zip file
Teacher's Pack - Contents page
Teacher's Pack - Activity 1 - Maintaining Physiological Homeostasis
Teacher's Pack - Activity 1 - Worksheet
Teacher's Pack - Activity 2 - Measuring PH in Blood
Teacher's Pack - Activity 2 - Worksheet
Teacher's Pack - Activity 3 - Designing an Immune Cell
Teacher's Pack - Activity 3 - Worksheet
Teacher's Pack - Activity 4 - Clots and Blood Transfusions
Teacher's Pack - Activity 4 - Worksheet
Teacher's Pack - Activity 5 - Clinical Trials in Trauma
Teacher's Pack - Activity 5 - Patient Sheet
Teacher's Pack - Activity 5 - Worksheet Screening Log
Contact the Centre for Trauma Sciences for more information