LMTS Clinical Guidance

Local and national clinical guidance can be accessed below (in alphabetical order): 


Bystander Bleed Control Guidance

This is a health-led London position statement on bystander bleeding control, developed by the NHS London Major Trauma System, London Ambulance Service NHS Trust, the NHS England London Violence Reduction Programme and the GoodSAM response platform in August 2024. 

This statement has been developed in collaboration with a range of partners across London, including the London Violence Reduction Unit; the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC); Transport for London and the Metropolitan Police. This statement is based on recent evidence syntheses and on clinical consensus.

To read the guidance, please download the document Here

BOAST Guidance

The British Orthopaedic Association and British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons set standards for trauma diagnosis and management relating to orthopaedics and reconstructive surgery.  These are called BOAST(s) and can be found here.  

Chest Drain Insertion

For access to the guidance on Chest Drain Insertion, please Click Here

ED Resuscitative Thoracotomy

For access to the guidance on ED Resuscitative Thoracotomy, please Click Here

Major Trauma Triage and Transfers Tool (LAS)

The London Ambulance Service NHS Trust (LAS) assesses, treats and transports seriously injured patients to one of four specialist major trauma centres (MTCs) in the Capital. Evidence from around the world shows that rapidly conveying these patients to centres with the necessary expertise and equipment helps reduce morbidity and mortality. Major trauma has a relatively low incidence, and constitutes less than 0.5% of the LAS workload.

LAS clinicians aim to identify the most seriously injured patients quickly using the London Major Trauma Decision Tool a flowchart that allows them to use the information they have available in the pre-hospital environment to triage patients likely to benefit from care at a MTC. The accepted definition of major trauma is an Injury Severity Score (ISS) greater than 15. The score can only be determined after a detailed assessment in hospital, and with the knowledge of the interventions undertaken and the outcome of the patient. As such it is recognised that the number of patients identified as potential major trauma by LAS clinicians will be higher than those subsequently assessed with an ISS of more than 15. However, the clear criteria in the decision tool should prevent patients who can be treated at a local ED travelling potentially longer distances to an MTC and negatively affecting the MTCs' capacity to treat those needing their service. 

Download LAS Major Trauma Triage Tool (Adults)

Download LAS Major Trauma Triage Tool (Children)

Download LAS Hospital Transfer Flowchart

NICE Trauma guidance

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has developed five pieces of guidance relating to trauma. Each piece of guidance focuses on a different aspect of trauma care, specifically:

  • Major trauma
  • Major trauma services
  • Fractures
  • Complex fractures

The NICE pathway for major trauma guidance can be found here

NICE Guidelines on head injury can be found here.

Older Trauma Care Guidelines

Nationally, the over 65s are the fastest growing age group in the UK, and the Office for National Statistics estimate that by 2040 one in four people in the UK will be aged 65 or over.

The Trauma Audit Research Network (TARN) reported that major trauma patients in England and Wales are increasingly older, and low level falls are now a leading cause of severe injury. However there are currently few clinical guidelines which specifically focus on the needs of injured older patients admitted to major trauma networks.

The pan London older trauma group comprises multi-disciplinary professionals with expertise and interest in managing older injured patients. This group have produced clinical guidance for the management of elderly trauma patients within Major Trauma Centres and Trauma Units, and may be of interest to those working at Local Emergency Hospitals. 

Download Here: Pan London Major Trauma System Management of the Older Trauma Patient. Third Edition

*If you wish to cite this document please use: LMTS. London Major Trauma System Management of Older Major Trauma Patients. Third Edition. April 2021. http://www.c4ts.qmul.ac.uk/downloads/2021-pan-london-major-trauma-system-management-of-older-trauma.-third-editionapril-2021.pdf

Paediatric Trauma Care Guidelines

Trauma is the leading cause of death and disability for children and adolescents. Timely, expert care is essential to ensure optimal recovery after paediatric injuries. The pan London paediatric trauma group comprises multi-disciplinary professionals with expertise and interest in caring for injured children and their families. This collaborative guidance document and more detailed trauma manual are available to anyone managing paediatric trauma across Greater London.

Paediatric Trauma Guidelines here

Paediatric Trauma Manual here

Palliative and End of Life Care for Older Trauma Patients Guidance
All healthcare professionals involved in the care of older trauma patients have a responsibility towards the identification and management of an individual’s palliative and end of life care needs. Palliative support for older trauma patients should be delivered in conjunction with, and not separate to, best available curative/life-sustaining interventions. 

Prognostication early after injury can be difficult. Therefore this LMTS guidance aims to inform and empower non-palliative specialist clinicians and health care professionals working with older trauma patients, to ensure collaborative decision-making for their patients. This document is not intended to replace any local or national guidelines. Please Click Here

*If you wish to cite this document please use: LMTS. Palliative and End of Life Care considerations for older trauma patients. January 2024. https://www.c4ts.qmul.ac.uk/downloads/lmtspalliative---eol-care-in-older-trauma-patients-v1-jan-2024.pdf

REBOA Guidance

REBOA (resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta) is currently being performed by London’s air ambulance for exsanguinating non-compressible haemorrhage.

Given the extremely shocked state of these patients they are likely to present to any of the London MTCs and require rapid definitive haemorrhage control and balloon deflation.

A working knowledge of REBOA is required and the hospital system prepared to ensure safe, smooth and rapid transition from pre-hospital to definitive care. 

Pan-London MTC guidance for patients with REBOA in situ can be downloaded here.

Spinal Injuries Management (MASCIP)

The Multidisciplinary Association of Spinal Cord Injury Professionals (MASCIP) provides guidelines to improve standards of care for people with SCI.  

The guidelines for the care of older people are Here

Guidelines for the management of neurogenic bowel dysfunction are available Here

Trauma Tertiary Survey Guidance

In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, guidance for clinicians was made available which outlines the principles of the trauma tertiary survey for clinicians working with trauma patients during the coronavirus pandemic. This guidance is available with thanks to Jo Shepherd and Tom Konig.

Trauma Tertiary Survey Guidance



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