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BBC London profiles week in life of Professor Brohi

September 16, 2019

On 12th Sept, BBC news London published an in-depth piece which followed the life of C4TS lead professor Karim Brohi in his twin roles as consultant trauma surgeon at the Royal London Hospital major trauma centre, and as director of the London Major Trauma System.

The article describes the kinds of injuries, clinical procedures and patient outcomes that Professor Brohi and his team dealt each day over a week.

It shows the variety of severe injuries that clinicians working in London’s major trauma system deal with each day, including servere pelvic injuries and haemorrhage from road traffic collisions, traumatic brain injuries from a variety of causes, and knife crime victims.  The article also explains what happens in a major trauma centre during a Code Red alert.

Regarding the increasing numbers of stabbing injuries and dealths from knife violence, which affect primarily very young patients, Professor Brohi notes:

“"There is no doubt that seeing these cases takes its toll on healthcare staff. But it can be nothing compared to being a teenager who is exposed to, and in fear of, this level of violence on a day-to-day basis.

"The level of stress and anxiety on these kids, and their family, is unfathomable."

"We do our best to save lives. But to really save a life - and make one that's worth living - takes a whole community.

"We need to look again at our society, our culture and our values if we are to live in a world where children can be children, and mothers can be mothers, without ever having to sit in a hospital waiting room."

Read the whole BBC article here.

Read the London Major Trauma System’s public health approach to violence reduction here.

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