ORDIT (Organ Dysfunction in Trauma) is a one month, prospective point prevalence cohort study of all trauma patients (≥16 years) admitted to UK Major Trauma Centre (MTC) adult critical care units. In Scotland this will involve large hospitals who admit trauma patients for critical care management. Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) is a dysfunctional systemic inflammatory response following major tissue trauma causing significant morbidity and in-hospital mortality.
ORDIT Protocol Summary
REC REFERENCE: Scotland A REC: 15/SS/0170, 19.02.2016
TITLE: Organ Dysfunction in Trauma: A national prospective point prevalence study
METHODOLOGY AND DURATION: A one month prospective national point prevalence cohort study of trauma patients ≥16 years admitted to an adult critical care unit within a Major Trauma Centre (MTC). STUDY LEADS: Chief Investigator: Karim Brohi, Professor of Trauma Sciences, Queen Mary University of London; Principal Investigator: Elaine Cole, Trauma Research Fellow, Queen Mary University of London.
PRIMARY OBJECTIVE: To investigate the prevalence of MODS in severely injured patients admitted to MTC critical care units in the UK.
SECONDARY OBJECTIVES: To characterise the severity and temporal variation of MODS in critical care trauma patients; examine the incidence and mode of mortality associated with MODS following trauma; and evaluate the relationship between MODS and other clinical outcomes, length of stay and quality of life.
INCLUSION CRITERIA: All consecutive trauma patients (≥16 years of age) admitted to adult critical care from 08.00 on day one of the study to 07.59 on the final day of the in-hospital study period (one month in total) who subsequently provide informed consent to participate. This includes all trauma patients: direct admissions from the Emergency Department, admissions from the operating theatre or from a ward, transfers from other facilities and readmission to critical care.
EXCLUSION CRITERIA: Any inclusion criteria not met.
Proposed start date: June 2016 for one-calendar month
The Scottish arm of the study will be completed when all CRFs are completed for patients admitted to the critical care unit in the one month research period. These CRFs should be scanned and emailed to Elaine Cole