National Major Trauma Rehabilitation Group 

These guidelines were developed by the NMTRG over a 2 year period from 2020.  Benchmarking data was gathered from multiple major trauma centres participating in the Rehabilitation Group, consensus from major trauma MDT staff working at these sites across the UK were used to develop 17 of the most commonly managed presentations in the major trauma centres. 

Each guideline has been peer reviewed by at least 2 major trauma centres in addition to those writing the guideline and signed off by a quorum of the NMTRG. The aim is for these guidelines to be ratified by the Clinical Reference Group for Major trauma and aim to provide staff working within the major trauma centres and networks with an outline of the knowledge and skills that have been identified by this group. 

It is hoped that these guidelines will help services develop appropriate education programs, monitoring and review systems for the rehabilitation services that support patients who have had injury as a result of a major traumatic event.

For more information about the development please refer to the presentation at the Oct 2022 National Trauma Conference or e-mail or  

Who are the guidelines for?

  • Healthcare professionals

  • Social care practitioners

  • Commissioners and providers of rehabilitation services


Multidisciplinary guidelines can be found below:

Multidisciplinary Guidelines: Traumatic Brain Injury

Multidisciplinary Guidelines: SCI

Multidisciplinary Guidelines: Scar Management

Please see the sidebar links to OT, Physio, and SLT-specific guidance. 


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