Major Max Marsden

Max qualifications are MBBS BSc MRCS DO-HNS DMCC PGCertMedEd FHEA (PhD = pending)
His expertise covers Prognostic Models, AI impact studies, Collaborative Research, and REBOA.
Max trained at Imperial College London graduating in 2008. He was commissioned into the British Army while at Medical School and deployed as a General Duties Medical Officer to Afghanistan in 2012. In Afghanistan he realised he wanted to pursue a career looking after the injured patient. After obtaining a training number in general surgery he took three years out of programme for research at the Centre for Trauma Sciences, QMUL.
He has recently completed his PhD which examines the impact of a machine learning system on effective decision making in pre-hospital trauma. The research was conducted with London’s Air Ambulance and several Major Trauma Centres in London and the South of England. Max continues to contribute to the C4TS, US Department of Defense funded research into machine learning systems in trauma.
Max is an honorary research fellow within the Institute of Pre-Hospital Care, the Centre for Trauma Sciences and the Academic Department of Military Surgery and Trauma. His clinical interests include the management of haemorrhage and blood replacement.
Max really enjoys teaching and recently received a Post Graduate Certificate in Medical Education. He teaches regularly on REBOA, surgical skills and military trauma courses. Max is also a major proponent of collaborative research and is a founding member of NaTRIC; the first trauma research collaborative in the UK.
Twitter: @MaxMarsden83
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7147-6861
Link to my QMUL publications page:
Five (5) key publications:
2021. Trauma Laparotomy in the UK: A Prospective, National Service Evaluation. Journal of the American College of Surgeons. Marsden M, Vulliamy P, Carden R, Naumann D, Davenport R for NaTRIC.
2020. Early Identification of Trauma-induced Coagulopathy. Annals of Surgery, 2020, Published online January 2020. doi: 10.1097/SLA.0000000000003771. Perkins ZB, Yet B, Marsden M, Glasgow S, Marsh W, Davenport R, Brohi K, Tai N.
2019. Pre-hospital tranexamic acid shortens the interval to administration by half in major trauma networks: a service evaluation. Emergency Medicine Journal, 2019, 36: 395-400. doi: 10.1136/emermed-2018-208118. Marsden M, Rossetto A, Duffield C, Woolley T, Buxton W, Steynberg S, Bagga R, Tai N.
2019. Coagulopathy, cryoprecipitate and CRYOSTAT-2: realising the potential of a nationwide trauma system for a national clinical trial. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 2019, 122: 164-169. doi: 10.1016/j.bja.2018.10.055. Marsden M, Benger J, Brohi K, Curry N, Foley C, Green L, Lucas J, Rossetto A, Stanworth S, Thomas H, Davenport R, Cryostat-2 Investigators.
2019. Pre-hospital Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta (REBOA) for exsanguinating pelvic haemorrhage. Resuscitation, 2019, 135: 6-13. doi: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2018.12.018. Lendrum R, Perkins Z, Chana M, Marsden M, Davenport R, Grier G, Sadek S, Davies.