Professor Chris Thiemermann

Professor of Pharmacology, Centre Lead for Translational Medicine & Therapeutics

Chris Thiemermann is the co-lead of the Organ Dysfunction and Protection Research Theme (together with Professor Karim Brohi) within the C4TS. Since 1998, he is the Professor of Pharmacology and (since 2007) Centre Lead for Translational Medicine & Therapeutics at the William Harvey Research Institute (WHRI) and has 40 years’ experience in sepsis/traumatic shock/ischaemia research. He is a fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the United Kingdom (FMedSci), a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians (FRCP) and a Foreign Fellow of the Academia de Sciences de Lisboa (Portugal). He is also the CEO of William Harvey Research Limited (WHRL), an ‘ex officio’ member of the board of trustees of the medical charity, William Harvey Research Foundation (WHRF), and a trustee of the Net Academy (Harlow).


(1) Role of excessive inflammation and ischaemia in sepsis, trauma and acute kidney injury; 

(2) Gender-differences in the response to sepsis and trauma; 

(3) Aging and response to tissue injury and shock; 

(4) Development of translatable interventions aimed at reducing the organ injury/dysfunction in sepsis and trauma.

5) Immuno-metabolic alterations (immunosuppression) after sepsis, trauma, acute kidney injury (AKI) and chronic inflammatory conditions (metabolic syndrome, diabetes & CKD)

Research interests:

Chris has expertise in target discovery and evaluation of the efficacy of drugs in animal models of disease. His specific field of interest encompasses the pathophysiology of shock caused by trauma or sepsis, and reperfusion injury following ischaemia (i.e. a restriction in blood supply to tissues, causing a shortage of oxygen and glucose needed to keep tissue alive). His research focuses upon the discovery of novel therapeutic targets and interventions that can be translated from the laboratory models of these diseases into the clinic for protection against associated organ injury. Other research interests include the pathophysiology and treatment of (a) acute and chronic kidney disease and (b) acute myocardial infarction.

His lead role within the Organ Failure and Protection Research Theme aligns closely with his research at the William Harvey Research Institute (WHRI).

To visit the WHRI's website click here.


Tel: +44 (0) 207 882 2121

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