The International Trauma Research Network (INTRN) is a an academic collaboration of high volume / Level-1 trauma centres across the UK, Europe and the United States that aims to accelerate the conduct and translation of trauma sciences research.
The group was formed in 2009 and has grown strategically to develop fundamental, translational and clinical research programmes that span the complete breadth of Trauma disciplines.
As well as delivering impactful international translational research, INTRN supports global education projects to ensure the rapid translation of its research into clinical practice and into healthcare policy for the optimised treatment of traumatic injury.
All INTRN partners are familiar with the practice of emergency consent and the recruitment of unconscious trauma patients for such programmes.
Conducting research in emergency medicine is challenging but essential if we are to improve patient outcomes.
All INTRN members actively participate in international multicentre clinical studies, and the high-volume recruitment across the network serves as a unique platform to rapidly evaluate new therapeutics and strategies for the global enhancement of trauma patient care.
If you would like to find our more about INTRN please contact Stavros Fotiadis or your local INTRN partner contact.